February’s theme in the 2017 Bull River calendar features of images and descriptions of the Bull River valley’s forest history. Trees in this drainage are a bountiful resource and can grow to incredible size – large trees can still be found dotted throughout the forest and especially at Ross Creek Cedars, a giant cedar grove.
Throughout the valley, you can also find evidence of historical logging practices such as this stump (shown at left) found on the Kootenai National Forest. You can still make out the springboard cut in the base that allowed loggers to fell it above the swell of its roots.
Unfortunately, one can also find many stumps of tress cut down along stream banks. Trees are an important part of most riparian areas and help maintain resilient watersheds, stabilizing stream banks and preventing erosion. The Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group, the Green Mountain Conservation District, and our many partners are working together to promote the growth of large woody vegetation along the banks of the Bull River.
Read more about the 2017 Bull River Calendar and the historical images it features here!