CANCELLED: 2020 1st Quarter Meeting – Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group @ Green Mountain Conservation District Office
Mar 26 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

UPDATE (March 17, 2020): Due to the rapidly developing novel coronavirus outbreak, this meeting is cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

Quarterly meetings provide a venue for watershed group members and partners to meet and discuss ongoing watershed projects, recognize opportunities for improved collaboration, and plan for future watershed restoration efforts.

2020 3rd Quarter – Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group Meeting @ Go-To Meeting
Sep 25 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The 3rd Quarter Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group Meeting will be held on Friday, September 25 at 1:00 PM MST. The meeting will be held virtually, via Go-To Meeting.

Partners plan to review projects completed this year as well as those that are upcoming this fall and next year:
Upper Prospect Creek Habitat Enhancement Project (July 2020)
Fishtrap Creek Habitat Enhancement Project (July 2020)
West Fork Road Realignment Project (July-August 2020)
Beartrap Road Storage Project (July-August 2020)
Emma Creek Road Obliteration Project (September/October 2020)
Thompson River Road Investigation (2020 – 2021)
Sims Meander Project (2021-2022)

Contact LCFWG Coordinator, Brita Olson, for a full agenda or call-in information.

Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group 4th Quarter Meeting @ Go-To Meeting
Dec 11 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group’s 4th Quarter Meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 11 at 1:00 PM MST. Call-in information will be sent out the week of the meeting – contact Brita for details / to be included on the LCFWG mailing list.

Look forward to a presentation from Carl Saunders with the USFS PacFish/InFish Biological Opinion Monitoring Program, on trends that the USFS is monitoring in our watershed.

Arbor Day – Bull River Volunteer Opportunity
Apr 28 all-day

Stay tuned for more details!!

Arbor Day – Bull River Volunteer Opportunity
Apr 29 all-day

Stay tuned for more details!!