Lower Clark Fork Tributary Watershed Restoration Plan – February 2019 Update

After many months of research and drafting, LCFWG staff have completed the first full draft of the Lower Clark Fork Tributary Watershed Restoration Plan. Input from all Lower Clark Fork Tributary Watershed stakeholders are welcome and you can access the document at https://lowerclarkforkwatershedgroup.org/draft-lcfwrp/ or at the link below.

Download all files – DRAFT Lower Clark Fork Tributary Watershed Restoration Plan

If you wish to provide feedback on the Watershed Restoration Plan, please do so by March 31, 2019. Email either Sarah Bowman (sarah@lcfwg.org) or Brita Olson (brita@lcfwg.org) with edits or to arrange and alternative method of file transfer. After March 31, we will be prepping the final document to submit to DEQ for acceptance.

The next step in the Watershed Restoration Plan development process will be to sit down with Lower Clark Fork Tributary Watershed stakeholders to identify potential future projects and create ranking criteria that will allow us to prioritize projects into a 10-year restoration schedule. The first meeting to discuss these topics will be held on February 26, 2019. This information will further inform the Watershed Restoration Plan is an important step in making this document useful for all stakeholders within the watershed.