The mission of the Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group is to facilitate collaboration among watershed stakeholders and to coordinate efforts to maintain, enhance and restore the ecological integrity of tributaries to the lower Clark Fork River.
Our key functions are to:
Facilitate collaboration by providing a forum for private landowners, federal and state natural resource managers and agency personnel, and private industry to interact; work together on Lower Clark Fork Watershed related projects; and share ideas, experiences and knowledge.
Communicate with partners regarding ongoing, future and past projects; and any developments pertaining to watershed resources in the Lower Clark Fork.
Coordinate restoration projects and activities that promote water quality, improve fish habitat, and support the ecological health of the watershed in line with multi-partner planning, prioritizing, and strategizing.
Harness resources for Lower Clark Fork Watershed projects by pursuing coordinated funding from government grants, foundation grants, and corporate contributions.
Maintain records of past projects and efforts in the watershed independent of land ownership boundaries, project area, or agency jurisdiction in order to inform future efforts.
Adaptively manage projects by providing consistent follow-through; learning from past successes and failures; and guiding watershed work that complements the values of local stakeholders.
Engage and educate stakeholders, landowners, and public in watershed health, the benefits of restoration, and the specific goals of present, past and potential projects.