RFP for YPL – Prospect Creek Bank Stabilization Project

The Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group (LCFWG), in coordination with the Lolo National Forest and Yellowstone Pipeline Company (YPL), is seeking a contractor to provide equipment, materials, and labor for a bank stabilization project on Prospect Creek, outside of Thompson Falls, Montana.

The Prospect Creek Bank Stabilization Project, will stabilize active erosion on a 120-foot reach of Prospect Creek. The purposes of the project are to protect a segment of the Yellowstone Pipeline Company (YPL) pipeline that crosses National Forest System (NFS) land; increase floodplain capacity; and enhance riparian and stream function.
Project activities include:
• Adding riprap up to bankfull elevation (~2-year flood height) along 120 feet of channel bank. This would be accomplished by excavating into the channel to place large rock. Additionally, 17 linear feet of riprap would be keyed-in at the upper and lower ends of the reach. The 137 linear feet of large rock would improve channel stability near utility infrastructure. This bio-engineered approach, that is, combining the construction of a vegetated floodplain bench and appropriately-sized riprap would reduce bank erosion and therefore, decrease fine sediment contributing to the stream from this reach.
• Constructing a vegetated floodplain bench above the 2-year flood height. This would be accomplished by lowering the existing high terrace to a measured elevation with an excavator. The depth of fill to be excavated is an average of 3-4 feet, as directed, and will be form-fit in the field. Coarse wood, local transplants and willow cuttings and native grass seed would be added to the constructed bench. This would create additional floodplain area, habitat and roughness to this reach of Prospect Creek, which would enhance stream and riparian function.
• Installing the root wads and boles of approximately 10 trees into the constructed floodplain bench. -The trees would be cut from a nearby stand on NFS land.
• Revegetating disturbed upland areas with willow cuttings, transplants and/or native grass seed.
• Provide staking/fencing materials and labor support to denote allowed YPL crossing area and travel route within YPL right-of-way. Note that no work may occur within 20 feet of the YPL products pipeline. YPL personnel will locate the pipeline to inform this effort.
• Provide up to 10 CY of road-base material (<3/4” pit-run) and build-up crossing over YPL to protect line from equipment crossing. YPL to provide details if this is needed.

This project is expected to be completed this year between July 15 and August 31 and then between October 15 and November 15. A pre-bid tour is scheduled for June 23, and RFP responses are due July 2.

The RFP can be downloaded from the link below (.pdf). A .docx version is available upon request.

Contact Brita Olson, LCFWG Coordinator with any questions regarding this Request for Proposals at 406.203.4725 or brita@lcfwg.org.