Since the stakeholder meeting on September 28, staff members of the Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group (LCFWG) have completed and continue to work on a number of activities to further the Thompson River Watershed Restoration Plan (WRP) towards completion.
- We have set a date for the final stakeholder meeting for November 28th, 2017 at 10 AM MST. This meeting will focus on prioritizing projects identified by stakeholders for each subwatershed included in the Thompson River WRP. LCFWG staff have created a draft ranking matrix to guide the prioritization of identified projects (attached below). This draft ranking matrix will be discussed during the meeting on November 28th. We will provide updates from this meeting to all interested landowners, but if you’d like more information please contact Sarah Bowman.
- We have been following up with/reaching out to a number of suggested stakeholders for additional information and perspective to inform the Thompson River WRP throughout October and will continue this effort through the end of the year. We are also working to incorporate input from online survey takers on local landowner and citizen interests and priorities.
- We will continue to draft and edit the WRP. Specifically, we are working to identify current stream conditions, land ownership, and potential projects for each impaired and priority subwatershed based on continuous input from stakeholders. A first draft of this plan will be completed by November 30th and will be sent to the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana and all local stakeholders for review. We will also provide this first draft on this website for local landowners and other interested community members to review. We will accept comments through the end of December, and will finalize the document for submission to the Montana Depart of Environmental Quality for review and approval in January.