Lower Clark Fork watershed map and outreach mailing

In partnership with the Green Mountain Conservation District (GMCD), the Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group (LCFWG) recently produced a map of the lower Clark Fork watershed. It was printed along with some additional information about the watershed and and sent out to over 3500 addresses in Sanders County. Our goal is that recipients of this mailing will learn a bit about what a watershed is, and know who to contact (GMCD or LCFWG) if they have questions about the water resources on their property.

Many thanks to our partners, including Green Mountain Conservation District, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana, Avista Corporation, and others, who helped review and contribute content. This project was funded through a 319 Water Quality Mini-Grant from the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana, and Avista Corporation’s Clark Fork Settlement Agreement.

Download a copy here!